Troy Noel Lear, the crossdressing bankrobber we previously reported on here and here, has been indicted by a grand jury in Richmond. According to the Associated Press:
Indictments from the Madison County grand jury Wednesday charge 40-year-old Troy Noel Lear of Brodhead with two counts of first-degree robbery for holdups at a Berea bank and a hotel in Richmond. Investigators told The Richmond Register that the robber in the bank heist showed a gun and an electronic stun device was the threat in the hotel robbery.
It's not known whether Lear's crossdressing is an Ed Wood-esque habit of his own, or merely intended as a clever disguise, but the AP report also seems to contain a subtle dig, as if to say "Sorry, Mary, but you just aren't passable":
While the robber dressed as a female, police said witnesses knew he was a man.
No mention was made in the WLKY article of a Danville incident in which a robbery was committed by a crossdressing man, and in which Lear had also been suspected. It's also unclear whether this Troy Lear is the same Troy Lear who figured in this puzzling case.
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