Oh, for the good old days when every town, great and small, had a local Coca-Cola bottling plant. Even my small hometown of Richmond had one on Big Hill Avenue (it's now the Richmond Register offices).
This fine intact specimen, built in 1930, can be found in Shelbyville, KY, on your right as you head East out of Shelbyville on US 60.
There was a "for lease" sign out front but some activity was visible inside, so I'm not sure if they meant the whole building or just individual spaces inside it. This realtor's page says it's now "off market".
Some info on the place: http://www.bizjournals.com/louisville/stories/2003/03/10/story1.html
I run by pass this a couple times a week. I usually see kids playing on the playground towards the back of the property and vehicles in the parking lot. I'm pretty sure that several of the units are being rented now.
My love of Diet Coke is intense, bordering on addiction. I would totally turn this place into my house.
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