Monday, March 21, 2011

Lexington Woman Finds Frog in Beans

UPI is carrying a story today about a woman in Lexington who was traumatized to find a dead frog inside her can of Wylwood Blue Lake Cut Green Beans.

She told WLEX-TV that she purchased the can of green beans at the Save-A-Lot store on North Broadway in Lexington and described it as "the grossest thing I've ever seen".

Although it's certainly regrettable that a dead frog would turn up in a can of beans, and I certainly would not eat the contents of the can, one should remember where beans come from- nature. A lot of products out there, notably sacks of pinto beans, contain language warning the consumer to go through the contents closely and pick out any "foreign matter" that inevitably finds its way in sometimes.

To me, this isn't nearly as disgusting as when a Louisville family found a dead mouse in a carton of milk - and after they'd already been drinking from it for several days!

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