Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Jug's Life

One from my JSH Combo music blog:

Some crappy old recordings of Holland's Jug Stompers (my abysmally inept jug band from 1998-1999) are now resurrected for the 21st century via the blessing/curse that is YouTube. You needn't actually listen to them; just know that they exist and that we had a really good time torturing our hippie audiences at Berea College with our slovenly, spontaneous and unrehearsed avant-garde hi-jinks. But if you insist, you may find four of them online so far: "Hello Josephine", "Come Back to your Kentucky", "Naked on the Railroad Tracks", and "Rainstorm Creeps".

And if that doesn't completely kill any curiosity you may have had about this band, you can also read some recollections and reminiscences about those grand productive days here and also here.

("Yeah, but... but... what about the JSH Combo, JSH?", I hear you cry. Well, be warned: our latest relaunch of ourselves is underway, please stand by. "Hold on", as Paul Stanley once said, "the roller coaster is about to begin.")


  1. Did you check out the Jugband Festival they had at the Waterfront last weekend?

  2. Naw, I missed it. I haven't seen any good juggin' since I saw Juggernaut Jug Band at Clifton Pizza a few years back.

  3. They pretty much headlined, I was really impressed. I got watch an impromptu jam session with this girl from The Missing ShoeString band (clever, aye?) She plays a meeeean fiddle.

    Btw, Rainstorm Creeps was rad. I like it!


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