Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ducky Derby Update

I received a nice email from Ashley Stroud regarding yesterday's post about the Ducky Derby, in which I expressed concern about the risk of the plastic duckies entering the environment:

As the Special Events Coordinator for Harbor House of Louisville, I was extremely pleased to see that you had written a blog about this year’s Ken-Ducky Derby. We are excited to gain publicity for our signature fundraising event, as well as gain publicity for the services that we provide to Louisville-area adults with mental disabilities.

In response to your plastic concerns, you will be pleased to know that we are sponsored by Heritage Environmental Services, who set up gates that serve as our “race track” and contain our ducks in one specific area on the river. All of our ducks are recovered immediately. You will also be pleased to know that all of our ducks are recycled from other duck races around the country. We receive them a few weeks before the Ken-Ducky Derby from other duck race locations, and after our race has concluded, we, in turn, ship them to other races that have yet to be held.

Thank you very much for adopting your duck! I would encourage all of your readers to adopt a duck (or a whole flock!). You can also adopt online at

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