Sunday, August 2, 2009

Middletown UFO

I've been chewing over whether or not to mention this, but Saturday night a friend and I saw a UFO slowly and silently moving over our heads in downtown Middletown, KY.

Keep in mind that a UFO means just what it says - an object that is flying and is unidentified. I'm not inclined to think the device came from Martians, but I am open to the idea that it was some sort of covert experimental aircraft. (On the other hand, how covert could it be if they're flying it directly overhead?)

It was traveling very low and very slowly - far slower than a normal plane should have seemed to take to travel overhead so low-flying. The shape of the craft was hard to determine but it did have wings and it did have right-of-way lights, so this would seem to discount aliens. I don't think any entities from other planets would have bothered to consult the FAA airworthiness standards code.

Or would they?

Anyway, the problem with the running lights was this: their placement relative to the body of the object gave the effect of making the wings seem extremely, impossibly, short and stubby. Impossible for a conventional airplane, anyway. I couldn't really see the wings at all, but the lights seemed a little too close to the center of the object. An additional large slow strobing light was rhythmically fading in and out, briefly illuminating part of the underside of the hull of the whatever-it-was.

The biggest problem with it was its silence. To be flying so low, we heard almost no sound emanating from it, except for an almost-subsonic pulsing hum. That's really, more than anything else, what lent a sci-fi sense of cognitive dissonance to the whole thing.

If what we saw was in fact a Triangle UFO like the one seen near McAlester, OK, then the shortness of the placement of the lights would suddenly make sense, of a sort. Assuming this is what we saw, then the two rear points of the triangle were lit while the front was not. These rear-point lights could then, logically, be what I assumed had been lights in the center of wings. Also, the center pulsing light would have been back of center instead of dead center (which seems to be the case in the photo above, of a Belgian triangle UFO).

The Triangle UFO hypothesis is especially compelling in light of the reports of triangular craft in Louisville and in Stanton back in the Spring.

Most likely, it was nothing. But it was certainly an interesting nothing. And one never knows, really, what's hidden in plain sight. (You know what Ferris Bueller says about stopping to look around you. And you know what Jack Burton always says at a time like this.)

1 comment:

  1. This post didn't exactly strike a nerve with me until I read the description of the sound the object was emitted. About two weeks ago, in the early morning hours (around 3 a.m.), I stepped outside on the front porch of my home here in Berea to smoke a cigarette and a similar science fiction-like pulsating, humming sound was the first thing I heard when I stepped outside. It was a very audible, obnoxious sound, I thought, and it was a quite enveloping sound, feeling as if it was everywhere around me. It lasted for around 8 to 10 minutes and, as hard as I tried, I found no source that was causing the sound.

    I probably would have brushed it off by now if it wasn't for the fact that, over these past few summer months, I can never step outside during the day at night to support my bad habit without seeing some sort of aircraft in the sky, those aircraft usually being black helicopters from the near-by Army Depot.

    It becomes quite disturbing when I mention just how low some of these black helicopters have been flying, in broad daylight at that. One flew so low overhead that I could actually make out a few details of the men flying the helicopters.

    The sound hasn't reoccurred since two weeks ago, and I believe I will probably never hear it again. However, should it make a reappearance, I will not be surprised.


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