Friday, March 4, 2011

Signs of the Anchorage Wilderness

I spend a lot of time roaming the woods and trails in Anchorage. Here's some puzzling evidence encountered in the way of signage.

Above:this almost completely rusted-away "No Trespassing" sign is along what is now a public nature trail in E.P. Sawyer Park. It must date back to the time of the Central Kentucky Insane Asylum, which originally occupied these grounds.

Below: This "nature trail" sign is oddly isolated out in the middle of a swamp area.

Just when I thought I was truly out in the middle of nowhere, I happened upon this deluxe and informative sign, telling me all about the importance of keeping Goose Creek clean:

And then there's this old plastic sign with what seems to be the international symbol for "no hikers allowed", but it was laying flat in the ground in a remote part of the woods. Which way had it been meant to indicate to keep out? Impossible to tell for sure. I kept walking, of course.

It sure does seem like there's a lot of plastic signs littering the landscape even as they warn me of the importance to protect the environment. Here's another, with the surreal title "Wetlands: Nature's Kidneys".

1 comment:

  1. Too bad you never got to explore Central State.(asylum on the grounds)
    There were actually piles of old patient records laying around. We used to go down into the basement where the autopsy tables were, spooky for a 13 year old. All the toilets were full of waste, so I assume squatters stayed there, but we never saw them. Back to the records, whoever was there when it closed down dropped the ball. We read through dozens of files, and there were thousands there. They should have been destroyed, at least. Playgrounds have come a long way...


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