Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dead Cat Asked to Join Foreign Legion

From WLKY:

They say it was more than a mistake, it was an insult to veterans. A Central Kentucky family says their deceased cat got a letter inviting him to join the American Legion, even thanking him for his service.

Colleen Harris says her husband, Cecil, loved serving his country, and raising his daughter and step-son. The family lost Cecil last May, and lost their cat Samson a few years before that. Surprisingly, it's Samson's service in combat now being recognized by the American Legion.

"The only war he ever fought was chasing mice," says Harris.

She wants to thank all the veterans she knows, hoping the American Legion will do the same before turning to more cats for more membership dues.

"They need to be maybe a little more particular on how they solicit and not be so worried about everybody sending in their $25."

The Kentucky American Legion says unfortunately, letters are sometimes sent to non-service members. They say national headquarters purchases mailing lists that aren't always accurate, but credentials are later verified through local posts.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Are they really that hard up for money? I better watch out for mail addressed to my dogs Fudge and Bingo.


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