Thursday, March 18, 2010


The Bowling Green Daily News recently ran a feature story about PIRK (Paranormal Investigators and Researchers of Kentucky), a ghost-hunter organization led by the father-daughter team of Jeff and Kayla Yeckering, plus Kayla's fiance Joey McGee.

From the article:

“I’ve always had an interest in the paranormal,” said Kayla Yeckering, a freshman at Western Kentucky University interested in nursing and psychology. “I have had many experiences, and I’m always looking for answers.” Her search for answers is shared by fellow investigator and fiance Joey McGee, the group’s equipment specialist...

Just to help things along, PIRK brings back-up equipment such as voice recorders, cameras, electro-magnetic field detectors, ambient thermometers and infrared lights. “It’s just common equipment you can get at Walmart,” McGee said.

(Unfortunately, the group embraces the phony-baloney internet hoax meme of Orbs.)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting the link to the Orbs commentary. I always question my "orbs" I get on film and have wondered about the reasons.


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