Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Author Walks from Kentucky to Oprah's Chicago Office

From NBC:

Like millions of other people today, Sam Neace will walk through the Chicago Loop.

But chances are that Neace is the only person who walked 500 miles to get here.

Today marks the end of Neace’s journey from Hazard, Kentucky to Chicago, Illinois to raise money for Relay for Life, a cancer charity affiliated with the American Cancer Society.

The survivor would like to hand deliver his published book of short stories, Neace's Pieces, and the manuscript to his novel, Bad Boy to Oprah Winfrey at Harpo Studios.

If he timed it right with his 25 mile per day pace, he’ll show at Harpo studios between 4pm-5pm on Tuesday, October 13th.

Neace talked to NBCChicago on a cell phone about two hours from his terminus, "somewhere on route 41." He’s not sure if Oprah will be there to greet him.

“Whether or not Oprah knows, I have no idea,” Neace said. The fine folks at Harpo studios said they hadn't heard about his walk and that they're not in the habit of meeting viewers who aren't on the official agenda.

In the end, it doesn’t matter. The important part is all the money Neace has been able to raise for Relay for life, which he estimates in the thousands.

“The walk was rough,” Neace said. “I walked through rain storms and over mountains and whatever you can imagine. It’s been in some ways the most inspirational experience of my life. But also my most challenging.”

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