Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Glencoe Gun Shop's Obama Sign

Reported on WLWT-TV:

GLENCOE, Ky. -- A racially charged sign that takes aim at President Barack Obama is raising eyebrows in northern Kentucky.

The sign is located along Main Street in Glencoe at the Eagle Hill Armoury gun store.

The sign reads, "Obama complains Americans are fat, police act stupid, U.S.A. is a bully, the president is a nagger." However, at some point over the weekend, the last word was changed to be a racial slur.

The store owner said that he changed the sign immediately after being told about the slur and that he reported the issue to police.

The man who owns the sign, Bryan Roach, said that vandals changed the sign.

"It was basically vandalized, and we didn't appreciate it," Roach said. "Somebody had actually taken one of the letters out of one of the other words. I think it was in 'complains,' and put it in a place that made a word that we don't advocate or condone at all."

Sounds awfully disingenuous to me. I find it extremely hard to believe that the gun shop's choice of the word "nagger" to describe President Obama was perfectly innocent and had no pun intended. Furthermore, WLWT says Mr. Roach is refusing to change the sign even though all the media attention will surely encourage further racist vandalism.

1 comment:

  1. I passed by there this weekend and there's a new nasty message. It's something like "I agree with the president's idea of sending Muslims to space. Maybe they can take him with them." We had to do a double-take and were upset that the camera was out of batteries.


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