Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Still Life" Video Project

Josh Flowers, a filmmaker in Ft. Mitchell, KY, made this fascinating mini-documentary entitled Still Life which can be viewed on YouTube.

In it, he goes one by one through a section of gravestones in a cemetery in Napoleon, KY, tracks down relatives of each of the deceased, and telephones them to share an anecdote or two about the person.

1 comment:

  1. been to that cemetery many times. Grandparents and uncles are buried there. How interesting it was to watch. My one Uncle was the head of the commity that was responsible for the upkeep of the place. Ralph C.Odor. My father Ralphs brother is still alive and resides in Erlanger,Ky. My grandparents lived just down the road in the bend.
    Thanks for sharing.


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