Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Concentric Rings near Blackburn

What exactly are we seeing in this Google Maps image of enormous concentric rings imposed across stretches of farmland near Blackburn, KY in Union County? It's not really a crop circle in the strictest sense of the word, but it does remind me of some of the odd bullseyes in the Nevada desert near Area 51.


  1. This state gets stranger by the minute.

    I've always wondered if Kentucky had any ancient 'lay lines' (sp?) you got anything on that?

  2. Hi Danny,

    Actually, I've been working on a book for a long time that deals with ley lines... an excerpt from it will probably appear here after New Year's...

  3. Any idea what's at the center of the innermost ring? Looks like a structure of some kind (farming?) connected to a track/aqueduct running southwest.

  4. There's another (more faint) set of rings around a similar structure just a bit to the northeast. At first I assumed they were leftover from a topographical overlay used to align the satellite view (there are visible topo lines near the first set of rings). But on this second set of rings, the track/aqueduct leading to the structure seems to have appendages at ground level, spaced out evenly where each ring begins.



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