This grocery store is located in Wildie, KY, Rockcastle county. It bears no sign and has no name, and gives no indication that it is in business of any sort, aside from the Pepsi machine on the front porch. Last time we were inside the store, there was actually very little for sale except a rack of snack cakes, some bread and produce, and some soda. The store is often full of old-timers sitting around talking conspiratorially. I dug it.
I was just playing around surfing and came across your page. Wanted to let you know there wasn't really a "name" for the store. It was generally known as "Ballard's Store" or just "Ballard's". It was ran by Ballard Parsons, who was crippled to a wheel chair due to polio. Ballard's is where I learned to play pool and about putting peanuts into a bottle of coke when I was little. I realize this is an old post, but I thought I'd give a little insight into it.